Drug Review & Approval Process in Canada – An Infographic


What follows is a graphical representation, an Infographic, of the eGuide we published titled “The Drug Review Approval Process in Canada – An eGuide


Drug Review and Approval Process in Canada

For further information about the drug review & approval process in Canada, please visit our FAQ section or contact SPharm directly.

Are separate Clinical Trial Applications required for each protocol?

Does Health Canada require separate Clinical Trial Applications for each protocol?



Does Health Canada require separate Clinical Trial Applications for each protocol is a question often asked. Presently, drug developers may submit more than one protocol into one single clinical trial application (CTA), when the Application is submitted to the Therapeutic Drug Directorate (TPD). Each protocol would then be considered a different dossier with a different control number per protocol; an approval per protocol would apply. When the CTA is submitted to the Biologic and Genetic Therapies Directorate (BGTD), one protocol only can be submitted per CTA. The upcoming electronic submission requirements for the CTA will likely impose the submission of one protocol per CTA for both Directorates.

Even with these differences, globally the process is quite similar in the US and Canada, however, the terminology used is different and this can cause some confusion.

In the U.S., we see one IND per product under clinical development, which is open to adding new protocol amendments etc… Clinical holds can apply to these INDs and the duration of the holds may vary. In Canada, there is a clinical trial application process, whereby one or more protocols can be submitted at once. New protocols are submitted as new CTAs. There are amendments and notifications that can be brought to clinical trial applications that are approved.

An amendment is considered a major change to an approved protocol or quality dossier, and therefore requires the same 30-day default review period. Minor changes are submitted as notifications within 15 days of the implementation of the change and no review period applies. Now, as mentioned, a new protocol must be submitted via a new clinical trial application. However, cross-referencing to an approved clinical trial application already on file for sections that are not changed, is possible. For example, cross-referencing to an approved investigator’s brochure or to an approved quality dossier. Therefore, it reduces the submission requirement and content. The process is simple and very similar to an IND amendment in the U.S., even if it’s classified as a clinical trial application in Canada.


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Clinical Trial Application Process Myths about Canada

Clinical Trial Application Process in Canada -Facts & Myths-

Canada has become an increasingly popular destination for clinical trials over the years. Despite that, misconceptions persist about everything from approval time to the language used in the approval process. We are presenting six of the more common myths about clinical trial applications in Canada and the facts actually are. Which ones have you believed?


Myth # 1: Obtaining approval for clinical trials takes more time in Canada than elsewhere.

Reality: You’ll receive your approval (No Objection Letter) — or rejection — in 30 days. Once a Clinical Trial Application (CTA) has been submitted, questions can be raised by Health Canada to which an answer (with or without commitment) needs to be provided within 2 days. Once the CTA review is complete, Health Canada notifies the sponsor if the application is found to be acceptable or not. If the CTA is acceptable, Health Canada issues a No Objection Letter (NOL) within the standard 30-day review period; this NOL needs to be received before moving forward with the trial and will be needed for investigational drug importation purpose.

Compare that to the U.S., where the FDA has 30 days to determine whether a clinical hold is necessary or if the clinical trial can start. There is no specific duration for a clinical hold in the U.S..  There is no such hold in Canada.

In most european countries in Europe the target review timeline is 60 days but it often takes more than that to obtain a decision at the national level. EMA is looking into applying  a centralized procedure that will have a longer review period than 60 days.


Myth #2: The requirements for a Clinical Trial Application in Canada are more onerous than elsewhere.

Reality: The content requirements are actually less onerous than in the U.S.  and in the EU. No non-clinical or clinical study reports are required to be submitted within the CTA in Canada. What is needed are the administrative documents plus key scientific documents on which Health Canada bases their review on: the protocol, the informed consent form and the investigator’s brochure, in addition to the standard chemistry and manufacturing data. The Clinical Trial Application is composed of three modules:

  • Module 1 – contains administrative and clinical information about the proposed trial
  • Module 2 – contains quality (chemistry and manufacturing) information about the drug
  • Module 3 – contains additional supporting quality information, when needed.

There can be delays in initiating Clinical Trials in Canada, as in other jurisdictions. For instance, there may be delays in obtaining Research Ethics Board reviews and approvals (a decision independent from Health Canada). Also, sponsors and CROs in North America can prioritize the U.S. sites ahead of Canadian sites for many reasons including patient population (see myth no. 3). Typically, for global studies it can take a few months to get a site up and running in Canada.

Note that there are a number of effective clinical trial application experts in Canada that help with streamlining the clinical study start-up processes in parallel or after the clinical trials application approval. Contact SPharm to discuss your requirements.


Myth #3: Because of its population size, recruitment and enrollment are difficult in Canada.

Reality: Enrollment — recruitment and retention — is no more of a challenge in Canada than elsewhere. In fact, the average time from trial set up to first patient visit is three months, with 98 percent of subjects enrolled within the planned study period, according to the Canadian Clinical Trials Coordinating Centre (CCTCC).  One reason for this success is that Canada’s universal healthcare system means coordinated access to patients and better patient data.

Moreover, Canadians are highly educated and interested in research:  More than 70 percent of the population has expressed interest in participating in clinical research, according to the CCTCC.

Finally, as one of the most diverse nations in the world, Canada provides researchers with a broad pool of potential subjects.


Myth #4: All study documents must be provided in English and French.

Reality: Either language is accepted; for regulatory submissions, English is used more often. There are two exceptions: Labels and informed consent forms must be in both languages. Of course, all patient materials for trials in Quebec must be translated into French.


Myth #5: Drug trials in Canada cost more.

Reality: Canada has the second lowest cost among G7 nations in the management, design and coordination of clinical trials. Only France is cheaper, according to the Canadian Clinical Trials Coordinating Centre. Canada has one of the most attractive tax environments for research and development compared to the U.S. and other G7 countries.


Myth #6: The Clinical Trial sponsor needs a Canadian presence.

Reality: The Clinical Trial Application must be signed by a scientific or medical officer residing in Canada. Generally, the regulatory agent or the CRO can sign on behalf of the sponsor.

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Has Regulatory Affairs in Canada changed from a decade ago?

How has Regulatory Affairs in Canada changed from a decade ago?




With regards to clinical trial applications, Health Canada’s requirements have not changed much. However, they’ve had no choice but to open up to new strategies – novel agents, personalized medicines, or orphan drugs for which there is no official designation yet – and accept novel trial designs. Health Canada is very open to hear how novel therapies can help Canadians and there’s a clear openness and opportunity for collaboration.



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Does Health Canada require all documents be translated to French?


Does Health Canada require that all documents be translated to French?




Not at all. Both official languages in Canada, that is English and French, are accepted. That being said, the regulatory dossiers are usually submitted to Health Canada in English. French dossiers, or the supporting documents that are in French, are also acceptable, however, the review could be a little more challenging since most of the Health Canada reviewers are Anglophone. Even if it is not required to submit French documents to Health Canada, the French translation of the informed consent form must be generated and available for francophone patients. Also, there are specific language regulations to respect on Canadian labels. That being said, Health Canada has established standard target review timelines that they respect, which is not influenced by the selected submission language.


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Are Sponsors required to have a legal representative reside in Canada?


Does Health Canada require Sponsors to have a legal representative reside in Canada?




A scientific or medical officer residing in Canada that represents the sponsor and who’s responsible for providing an attestation with respect to the clinical trial application or the amendment that is being filed, is required. There is no additional information available in the regulations or guidance related to the Canadian officer. Therefore, any Canadian scientific personnel that are authorized by the sponsor to submit the application on their behalf and to be the representative can be the signatory. Normally the regulatory agent or the CRO can sign the clinical trial application on behalf of the sponsor.

With respect to having Sponsors having a legal representative residing in Canada for the Registration Process, the answer is no, Health Canada does not require Canadian residence. Nonetheless, if the sponsor is not located in Canada, a Canadian importer must be determined and their Drug Establishment License (DEL) submitted or amended at least 3 months prior to the submission of the marketing authorization submission (NDS or ANDS) in Canada. This is one of the Good Manufacturing Practice requirements.

That being said, having a Canadian regulatory point of contact in Canada is an advantage for the Canadian regulatory language with Health Canada as well as for dealing rapidly with questions and being in the same time zone as the reviewing regulatory agency.


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The importance of working with Canadian Regulatory Consultants

The Importance of working with Canadian regulatory experts.



Having a Canadian regulatory expert is important to facilitate the global Canadian submission process and all post-approval activities. It’s also important to know that Health Canada prefers speaking with individuals that understand the Canadian medical as well as regulatory environment, whether they are the sponsors or their representatives. The support of a Canadian regulatory consultant is key for the submission of clinical trial applications, New Drug Submissions, or other regulatory initiatives. But it is most important for the global product development strategy, particularly when dealing with niche products used for treating orphan or life-threatening diseases. By understanding Canadian as well as foreign regulatory environments, a Canadian consultant can provide the best strategic initiative for timely access to the Canadian market, keeping the global regulatory initiatives in mind.

The regulatory paths for market access in Canada are essentially threefold. First there is the standard regulatory new drug submission path, then there is the notice of compliance with conditions (NOC/c) path, usually applicable for oncology or other niche products, and finally there is the priority review path. The latest two have shorter review standards at Health Canada.



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Notice of Compliance with Conditions versus Priority Review

What is the difference between Notice of Compliance with Conditions and Priority Review?



These two processes apply to drugs used to treat conditions that are serious, life-threatening or for a severely debilitating disease (such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, AIDS, or Parkinson’s Disease).

Priority Review (PR) applies to drugs that shows substantial evidence of clinical effectiveness at the end of the clinical trial phases, that is, once the clinical development is completed. The total review timeline is reduced from 355 days to 215 days.

On the other hand, the Notice of Compliance with condition (NOC/c) applies to drugs with promising evidence of clinical effectiveness throughout the clinical trial phases. In summary, the NOC/c can be granted with less clinical data than usually expected, that is with Phase II study results or interim reports of Phase III studies. Approval would be granted to a manufacturer to market and sell that drug in Canada with the condition that the manufacturer execute additional studies to confirm the drug’s benefit and safety.  The total review timeline is reduced from 355 days to 235 days.

The condition needs to be agreed to with Health Canada. Some of the conditions of the NOC/c may include a requirement to closely monitor the drug for safety and adverse reactions and to provide HPFB with regular updates. Once the conditions are met, the designation of “with condition” is removed from the NOC.

To be considered for PR or NOC/c, the drug considered need to meet specific Health Canada criteria, that can be summarized as follows:

  • Offer effective treatment, prevention or diagnosis of a disease or condition for which no drug is available in Canada; or
  • Offer an improved benefit/risk profile over existing therapies, preventatives or diagnostic agents for a disease or condition, not adequately managed by a drug marketed in Canada.

Again, discussing with a Canadian regulatory expert in the early drug development stages can be an advantage for early input to establish the ideal regulatory strategy, as well as to help navigate through the requirements that are specific to Canada, while keeping in mind the global market strategy.


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How does Canada rank as a country for conducting Clinical Trials?


 How does Canada rank as a country for conducting Clinical Trials?




We know we can’t compete in terms of population, but Canada does have numerous strengths, making it a very attractive host for early phase clinical trials. These strengths include highly trained clinicians, the presence of key opinions leaders, world-class investigators, renowned medical care standards and a well-diversified population, all of which are desirable for testing new drugs. In addition, Canada is one of the top countries for biomedical research productivity and international reputation.

Recognized worldwide for its research excellence and the quality of its research clinicians, Canada has proven to be a world-class location for pharmaceutical and medical device companies to conduct their clinical trials. In fact, the majority of the world’s top pharma companies choose Canada as one of their top clinical trial locations.

We recommend that drug developers come to Canada early in their drug development process, for many reasons.

First of all, we have expert physicians in various therapeutic fields, key opinion leaders with internationally renowned reputations, that are clearly interested in participating in Canadian clinical trials. In addition, we have efficient regulatory experts, CROs and clinical trial start-up facilitators helping with the Canadian process efficiency.

Adding Canadian sites to a multi-centre trial is a great initiative to expose expert physicians as well as patients to novel therapies that will eventually come to market, raising interest, awareness and knowledge. The fact that the Canadian population is very similar to that of the US, makes Canada an interesting extension of the U.S. initiative for patient recruitment.  This way, our Canadian population can benefit from these novel therapies, while adding to the global clinical trial recruitment initiative.

In addition, the Canadian regulatory agency provides a decision within an efficient standard review of 30 days. Also, early Canadian initiative can build the health authorities’ confidence with a sponsor and product by raising awareness, interest and knowledge. This can translate into facilitating the accelerated access to the Canadian market, should the product meet the requirements.

Should the drug be innovative and / or life-saving, we would recommend a strategic registration regulatory strategy, because of the possibility of having a faster approval granted either during the clinical trial phases or immediately upon completion. A meeting with Health Canada would be recommended to validate the strategy, secure agreements that would be part of meeting minutes, included in the upcoming registration initiative.

According to the Government of Canada, the country captures 4% of global clinical trials, is also fourth in number of clinical trial sites and has a world-class contract research sector with extensive capabilities in phase I-IV clinical trials.

Canada is regarded as a leader in scientific research due to a number of factors including the diversity of its population, its educated labour force, world leading universities, hospitals and research centers as well as its robust health care system. In addition, Canadian universities consistently rank among the top in the world. Educational rankings worldwide continue to place the University of Toronto, McGill University, University of British Columbia and McMaster University in the top 50 Universities in the world for medical research.

Designing and managing global clinical trials has large expense considerations. Independent studies continue to show Canada as having significant cost advantages as a location for clinical trials. KPMG’s Competitive Alternatives study, for instance, compares business costs and other competitiveness factors in more than 100 cities in ten major countries, puts Canada as 2nd as the country with the lowest business costs. The US is 10th. On a per city basis, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver were ranked 3rd, 4th and 5th respectively. Most of the cities in the US were ranked in the 20s.

Whether it is patient diversity, the industry’s reputation, its infrastructure, it’s quality researchers, it’s cost competitiveness or Health Canada’s 30 day target to review Clinical Trial Applications, these advantages lead pharmaceutical companies and research institutions to continue making significant investments in Canadian clinical research.





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What adjustments are made for Targeted Therapeutics?


What adjustments do drug developers make associated to Targeted Therapeutics?




The key adjustments for drug developers have been to increase transparency with the authorities and open up to pre-submission or scientific advice meetings. These meetings become even more efficient when you bring in local experts and key opinion leaders.

The purpose of this is to discuss strategies and requirements with the authorities and to come up with agreements for the drug development activities. Meeting with Health Canada is not a requirement, but it’s highly recommended for novel therapies that would not have the same clinical data package that would usually be required or expected in Canada for market access.

With regards to submission content, contrary to common belief, Health Canada follows similar requirements to those of the FDA and EMA, therefore, usually only minor adjustments are necessary from a FDA or EMA dossier when submitting a marketing application in Canada.



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