Covid-19 Coronavirus Clinical Trials in Canada


Covid-19, Coronavirus Clinical Trials in Canada

With the pandemic of Covid-19 continuing across the globe, pharmaceutical companies, scientists, hospitals and health care organizations around the world continue to accelerate clinical research to find a treatment and possible vaccine. In Canada, the number of Covid-19, coronavirus clinical trials has been steadily growing.

As of May 1st, 2020, there were 29 active Clinical Trials operating in Canada focused on Covid-19. (See the report below).

Although Clinical Trials take time, we expect further growth over the next few months in the number of Clinical Trials for Covid-19 in Canada and around the world. We will publish any updates as data of new Clinical Trials are made available.

Health Canada has published certain guidelines as it pertains to the management of clinical trial applications (CTA) during the Covid-19 pandemic. Such guidelines include:

  • Health Canada will prioritize the review of clinical trial applications designed to investigate the diagnosis, treatment and/or prevention of COVID-19.
  • Sponsors may continue to file other CTA and CTA amendments according to Health Canada guidance.
  • During the course of a CTA review, if sponsors are unable to respond to an Information Request (IR) within specified time lines, consider withdrawing the submission without prejudice and refiling when the information is available.

Please visit Health Canada’s information page for further details on their guidelines for clinical trials during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Download the Covid-19 Clinical Trial in Canada summary report

We have co-published a report on Covid-19 Clinical Trials in Canada with our friends at the Clinical Research Organization (CRO) McDougall Scientific. We have taken clinical trial data for Canada directly from provided by the National Institutes of Health and published a summary of the data in a format that is hopefully useful to digest.

Some of the data provided includes:

  • # of Covid-19 Clinical Trials by Canadian Province
  • # of Covid-19 Clinical Trials by Sponsors/Collaborators
  • # of Covid-19 Clinical Trial by Drug Interventions


Susanne Picard sélectionnée comme conférencière dans le cadre da la conférence 2018 Canada Talks Pharma

Susanne Picard, fondatrice et présidente de SPharm, fait partie cette année des conférenciers invités à la conférence Canada Talks Pharma les 15 et 16 mai 2018 à Toronto.

Susanne est une experte et conférencière renommée et digne de confiance grâce à plus de 26 ans à partager son savoir des activités de développement de médicaments. Sa présentation aura pour thème « surmonter les obstacles du processus d’approbation des médicaments au Canada ». Canada Talks Pharma est une série de conférences en pleine croissance sur la recherche clinique et les essais cliniques mondiaux.

Outre des conférenciers chefs de file de l’industrie, la conférence a le plaisir de présenter son conférencier principal cette année, le Dr Andrew Pelling, chercheur principal et conférencier de l’organisation TED, scientifique primé, professeur, entrepreneur, et directeur scientifique de Spiderwort. Dr Pelling a bâti sa carrière à partir d’une curiosité assumée. Son laboratoire de recherche réunit des scientifiques, ingénieurs et artistes qui explorent des technologies vivantes spéculatives du futur au moyen de matériaux et méthodes à faibles coûts. Si la création de parties du corps faites à partir de plantes ou de peau vivante sur des blocs LEGO pique votre curiosité, ne manquez pas l’allocution d’Andrew Pelling cette année à l’événement Canada Talks Pharma.  

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